вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

dale earnheart jr. pictures

Hmm, well. This is my first journal entry, I donapos;t expect i shall ever write very much about myself or my day/ life as who would what to read about a random strangers life?
Anyway, i recently joined this community because i like to write as well as read other peoples work. I have accounts on both fanfiction(fiercekoinu) and fictionpress(articflower), as well as on deviantart(assassins-son). (oh dear, that makes me sounds pathetic.) I enjoy writing both mhy own stories and fanfictions as well as draw. I tend to draw sketchs of my charcters mostly, but also the characters of friends or people who ask me.
In the future (most likely the very near future) i shall begin posting some of my writing. Probably starting with a fanfiction based off Final fantasy VII.
I might as well warn you now that i can not spell very well at all and i often make mistakes that i donapos;t catch (grammatical and spelling, as well as skipping some words in a sentence) so if you notice this donapos;t hestitate to tell me. I have stories iapos;ve edited 7 times over and still have found mistakes from the first draph.
I love to make friends so feel free to add me and iapos;m sure to add you as a friend as well.
Thatapos;s all for now- itapos;s already more than i thought i would write. See you

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